Info Center is live

The Info Center is now listed on AppExchange.


Feel free to leave me a review on the listing.

As I have mentioned in previous posts

The Info Center was developed to fill a common need. During a rollout, users typically go through well constructed training sessions and will usually walk away with training materials, quick reference guides, etc. However, once the system has been in production for a while, people rarely ever reference that material again. When people have questions, the answers can be hard to find in the training materials. Training materials are typically not organized to answer specific questions that arise.

Why not have a place where you can publish the answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)? You could do this on your company intranet or in a document, but why not use and allow the business the ability to manage the content themselves? Enter the Info Center.

If you are a developer, the Info Center would be a good reference for s-Control development using the AJAX toolkit. The reason I went and created this application in the first place was to teach myself how to develop s-Controls using the AJAX toolkit. I needed a purpose otherwise I’d never really learn it, so I came up with the Info Center.

Next up, APEX code! 🙂

1 Comment

  1. Fifedog Said,

    November 3, 2006 @ 10:18 am

    That’s awesome Scott! Thanks for the insight and work you’re sharing with the community!

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