Link to View Pending Workflows
I’ve been getting into Timed Workflows lately and I’ve found myself consistently using the Timed-Workflow Monitoring page to see what’s going on with a record. I made it a bit easier on myself by adding a custom link to my Opportunities that let me see the pending workflows for a record. Thought I’d share it.
It’s broken down as follows:
- /setup/own/massdelete.jsp?ftype=WFTimeQ – this brings you to the Monitoring page.
- &col0=TargetEntity – chooses the “Record Name” option in the first row.
- &oper0=e – sets the comparison operator to equals
- &fval0={!Opportunity.Name} – Puts the Opportunity Name in the value to search for.
The best the link can do is bring you to the page with the form filled in. It’s up to you to click the search button. So it’s down to 2 clicks from about 8.