My Salesforce Blog & Enterprise Irregulars

A couple blogs to add to the blogroll:

  • My Salesforce Blog feed-icon-12x12.png: Salesforce developer focused blog by Joseph Ferraro, a Salesforce customer, developer, and admin for a corporate real estate firm based in Philadelphia. Welcome, Joseph!
  • Enterprise Irregulars feed-icon-12x12.png: A blog about Enterprise technology and its application to business in the 21st century. I think I am late in finding out about this one. I found it via Gareth’s recent post.


  1. cat Said,

    April 11, 2007 @ 9:42 am

    Hey Scott – I tried to read Joseph Ferraro’s blog (My Salesforce Blog) but it’s open to invited readers only. Do you have any contact information for him, so that those of us who WANT to hear what customers are saying can ask nicely to be invited? Nice blog, btw.
    cat (at) cloud9analytics (dot) com

  2. Scott Hemmeter Said,

    April 11, 2007 @ 10:31 am

    I am getting the same message now. This is something new. I personally don’t want to login to Google just to read a blog, so I’ll wait until he opens it back up. I don’t have his contact information.

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