Salesforce under Safari on Windows
I have to echo Jeff’s thoughts from regarding running Safari on Windows to access Salesforce. It is a very good experience and Salesforce runs really really fast!
Apple released Safari for Windows last week. Hours after its arrival, reports of security holes came out and an update to the browser was already made. Because of those security concerns and due to its lack of Firefox-quality plugins (at this time), I won’t be switching away from Firefox.
However, I would recommend trying Safari out for use with Salesforce. Especially for the administrative side of things. Salesforce’s setup screens send my Firefox memory utilization up around 400MB after an hour or so and things really start to slow down. Using Safari, all of the screens fly. Some pages loaded so fast, I wasn’t even sure the browser recognized my command to navigate to a new page.
guest Said,
June 20, 2007 @ 3:23 am
My Safari for Windows crashes whenever I try logging into Salesforce, so can’t really say if it fast or not… » Blog Archive » Safari on Windows - krazy fast Salesforce configuration Said,
June 20, 2007 @ 10:55 am
[…] Windows when we’re doing Setup tasks. It’s just way to fast not to use. The Admin side of the app is great, but pretty slow. Turns out that slowness is almost entirely in the rendering engine of the browser, as Safari is […]