Map as Lookup Field

This was also posted to the new Arrowpointe Product blog. We are moving all product specific information to that new blog and keeping this blog focused on developer related information. Please subscribe (rss, email)

Geopointe has a number of under-the-cover features (and more to come) that allow you to integrate with the application.  One such feature is the ability to use the map as a means of populating a Lookup field.

Below is a video showing this feature in action.

(for best results, choose an HD viewing option after starting the video and use full-screen mode)

Enabling the Feature

The feature is enabled through the use of a Custom Button that simply passes additional parameters across in the URL.  The URL in the video example is:

&wbButtonText={!URLENCODE("Relate This Account to " & Account.Name)}

Let’s break it down


The above is the URL from the button included with the application. It is required to sent the user to the proper page in the proper context.


wbRecordId is the ID of the record we will be writing back to.


wbField is the field on that record we will be populating.


wbLookupObject is the object type that we will be searching for and populating the lookup field for.

&wbButtonText={!URLENCODE("Relate This Account to " & Account.Name)}

wbButtonText is optional, but can be included if you want to customize the button’s text. It is recommended to use the URLENCODE function when specifying your text, especially if you are merging in data from the system.

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