UPDATE: Set Defaults for Opportunity Contact Roles (when converting)
I’ve had a few people reach out regarding an old post about defaulting Opportunity Contact Roles on a Lead convert. Turns out the trigger on Opportunities is not the best option. This was resolved in the comments by having a trigger on Leads instead, but wanted to give the full update in it’s own blog post with updated code. The code below should work and now includes a Test Class too.
Having an AFTER UPDATE trigger on Leads like this is a good way to handle many post-convert needs.
trigger Leads on Lead (after update) { if(Trigger.isAfter && Trigger.isUpdate){ Leads l = new Leads(); l.SetContactRoleDefaults(Trigger.new, Trigger.oldMap); } }
public class Leads { // Sets default values on the Opportunity and Opportunity Contact Role record created during Conversion. Called on AFTER UPDATE public void SetContactRoleDefaults(Lead[] leads, map<ID,Lead> old_leads) { set<ID> set_opptyIDs = new set<ID>(); // Get Opportunity IDs into a Set if the lead was just converted and an Opportunity was created for (Lead l:leads){ if (l.IsConverted && !old_leads.get(l.id).IsConverted){ if (l.ConvertedOpportunityId != null){ set_opptyIDs.add(l.ConvertedOpportunityId); } } } // Update Opportunity Contact Roles list<OpportunityContactRole> list_opptyContactRolesToUpdate = new list<OpportunityContactRole>(); for(OpportunityContactRole ocr:[select Id,IsPrimary,Role from OpportunityContactRole where OpportunityId in :set_opptyIDs]) { ocr.IsPrimary = true; ocr.Role = 'Decision Maker'; // set to what you want defaulted list_opptyContactRolesToUpdate.add(ocr); } if (list_opptyContactRolesToUpdate.size() > 0) { update list_opptyContactRolesToUpdate; } } }
Test Class
@IsTest private class Leads_Test { static testMethod void SetContactRoleDefaults_Test() { // Create a Lead Lead l = new Lead(); l.lastname = 'Lastname'; l.firstname = 'FirstName'; l.company = 'Company'; insert l; // Convert the Lead Database.LeadConvert lc = new database.LeadConvert(); lc.setLeadId(l.id); LeadStatus convertStatus = [Select Id, MasterLabel from LeadStatus where IsConverted=true limit 1]; lc.setConvertedStatus(convertStatus.MasterLabel); Database.LeadConvertResult lcr = Database.convertLead(lc); System.assert(lcr.isSuccess()); // Query Contact Role Records and Asserts all was set correctly. for (OpportunityContactRole ocr:[select Id,IsPrimary,Role from OpportunityContactRole where OpportunityId = :lcr.getOpportunityId()]){ system.AssertEquals('Decision Maker', ocr.Role); system.AssertEquals(true, ocr.IsPrimary); } } }
Itay Said,
June 4, 2012 @ 10:53 pm
I’m getting the following error on the Test class screen:
Error: Compile Error: unexpected token: ‘{‘ at line 24 column 136
// Query Contact Role Records and Asserts all was set correctly.
24 for (OpportunityContactRole ocr:[Select Id,IsPrimary,Role from OpportunityContactRole where
OpportunityId = :lcr.getOpportunityId()]{
25 system.AssertEquals(‘Decision Maker’, ocr.Role);
26 system.AssertEquals(true, ocr.IsPrimary);
pure Said,
June 13, 2012 @ 7:41 pm
hello – great post – thankyou!
i am to force.com, and I cannot find anywhere the logic behind hard coding values (e.g. “decision maker”) into the code.
I am use to the approach to have a config screen for the Sales Operations end user. The Sales Operations individual would be able to select the default settings in the conversion process. – primary flag on/off – role of primary contact
In SF workaround once reached “click” boundary appears to first go to Apex Trigger. Its quick, it can be easily cut/paste for those who dont enjoy exploring writing triggers.
Is there a reason the workaround direction isn’t create a simple VisualForce page with the Conversion (lead to opp) configuration options
– primary flag on/off
– role
have you stumbled on/heard/seen any such visualforce page to hold the config options for a role e.g. “sales operations”?
if you haven’t I am wondering if this is a good thing to do and offer up to community.
i ask yourself as I am new. so it could just be a stupid idea of mine.
Scott Hemmeter Said,
June 14, 2012 @ 6:55 am
That’s another approach that could work.
Scott Hemmeter Said,
June 14, 2012 @ 6:58 am
@ITay, I fixed the code in the post. It was missing a ) sign
KJ Kelley Said,
August 28, 2012 @ 12:18 pm
Thanks for the great post. Your code motivated me to give APEX a shot. After trying to figure out any other way to get that stupid checkbox to automatically fill in, I decide this must be the only way. After navigating through the process of figuring out how to authorize myself as a developer (I am the admin, so even this wasn’t trivial since I couldn’t edit my own privileges) so that I could edit the code, learn how to compile, and how to link the organization and how to do the uploads…the code worked like a charm! Thank goodness your code went in smoothly. I’m not a java experienced programmer so this was a real shot in the dark. But after it worked in the sandbox I was really encouraged.
Thanks again for sharing this code and for saving my organization untold unnecessary clicks in the years ahead.