Campaign Member Summary using Google Charts
I was inspired by Sam Arjmandi’s post about embedding Google Charts into VisualForce pages. I have a use case that requires a little different approach. I needed to get a quick view of the Campaign Member Statuses for a Campaign. I went ahead and started with Sam’s example and tweaked it for my purpose. Here’s the result!
It’s an embedded VisualForce component in the Results section of my Campaign page. It shows a quick count for each Member Status that is being used. To get it going in your org, here’s what you need.
VisualForce Page
It’s a simple page containing 1 DIV so that I can set the background color to match that of a Page Layout. Other than that it’s just an image returned from Google Charts. There is a lot of flexibility with Google Charts. Therefore, I made it so most of the URL can be tweaked in VisualForce. Only the data values and its labels come from the controller. This is nice because you can edit VF in a production org, but you can’t edit Apex. This will let you change things like width, height, chart colors, chart type, etc.
<apex:page standardController="Campaign" extensions="VFController_CampaignMemberStatusChart"> <style> #DIV_Container{padding: 0; margin: 0; background-color: #F3F3EC;} </style> <div id="DIV_Container"> <!-- See for more info on customizing the chart --> <apex:image url=",s,F3F3EC&chco=CC9933{!chartData}"></apex:image> </div> </apex:page>
Apex Controller
The controller is an extension of the Campaign standard controller. This is so the VisualForce page becomes an option to include on a Campaign Page Layout. The method that does all the work is getChartData. It gets the available Campaign Member Statuses and then queries the Campaign Member object for that Campaign and adds a data/label value for each one. It then returns a query string that you include into the Image src on the Visual Force page.
I am bad at Test classes, but there is 1 in there that passes and should be good enough. This functionality is pretty harmless.
public class VFController_CampaignMemberStatusChart { private final Campaign camp; public VFController_CampaignMemberStatusChart(ApexPages.StandardController stdController) { = (Campaign)stdController.getRecord(); } public String getChartData() { // The list of chart items List<ChartDataItem> items = new List<ChartDataItem>(); // List of valid Campaign Member Statuses for the Campaign List<CampaignMemberStatus> list_cms = [select Id, Label from CampaignMemberStatus where CampaignId =]; // Loop through each Campaign Member Status, get a count of Campaign Members and add it to the items list for (CampaignMemberStatus cms:list_cms) { integer Count = [select count() from CampaignMember where CampaignId = AND Status = :cms.Label]; if (Count > 0) { items.add(new ChartDataItem(cms.Label, Count.format())); } } // Initialize Strings String chd = ''; // Data String chl = ''; // Labels for(ChartDataItem citem : items) { chd += citem.ItemValue + ','; chl += citem.Label + ' (' + citem.ItemValue + ')|'; } //remove the last comma or pipe if (items.size() > 0) { chd = chd.substring(0, chd.length() -1); chl = chl.substring(0, chl.length() -1); } // We are only returning the values and labels. The rest of the URL string is in the VF page String result = '&chd=t:' + chd + '&chl=' + chl; // &chl returns with labels pointing to pie pieces //String result = '&chd=t:' + chd + '&chdl=' + chl; // &chdl returns with labels in a legend return result; } // Class holding each chart data item public class ChartDataItem { public String ItemValue {get; set;} public String Label {get; set;} public ChartDataItem(String Label, String Value) { this.Label = Label; this.ItemValue = Value; } } static testMethod void testVFController_Sidebar_Summary() { // Create Campaign Campaign c = new Campaign(); c.Name = 'Test Campaign'; insert c; // Create Lead Lead l = new Lead(); l.LastName = 'Last Name'; l.Company = 'Company'; insert l; // Create Campaign Member CampaignMember cms = new CampaignMember(); cms.CampaignId =; cms.LeadId =; insert cms; test.startTest(); ApexPages.StandardController sc = new ApexPages.StandardController(c); VFController_CampaignMemberStatusChart controller = new VFController_CampaignMemberStatusChart(sc); String s1 = controller.getChartData(); test.stopTest(); } }
Page Layout
When you add it to the Page Layout, make the height of the component the same as the height you specified in the VF page’s image src for Google Charts. In this example, it’s 125. Doing this will ensure the background colors match your Page Layout.